
布城国际烟火赛 - Part 3

文接 Part 2。原本打算迟些才 Upload,可是既然大家都那么心急着想看下去,好啦,现在就发布啦!

当晚的最高潮点 ...是不是看得很开心,好想去看现场咧?!亲自到布城去体验一下吧!

3 条评论 :

Connie 说...

Yes, It was great~ It was amazing~ I would not be there, but I feel excited while saw those fireworks from yor blog. Thanks~ :">

思忆缘 说...

haha, thanks and so happy to hear that. I have been waiting there for 3 hours,and it really worth it.:)

no one 说...

wa wa walau eh........